Updates a value within a row on Excel Online.
Choose a workbook and worksheet in order to update a cell.
- Workbook (dropdown): a list of workbooks available to the account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.
- Worksheet (dropdown): a list of worksheets available in the selected workbook. Worksheet is the individual spreadsheet within them, displayed as tabs in Excel files.
Input Fields
- Cell
- Cell Reference (text): In format like “ A1”, for the first cell on the spreadsheet.
- Value (text): the new value.
- Formula (text): Add an excel formula. e.g.: =SUM(A2:A10), = CONCAT(A1;B5),=MAX (number1, [number2], …) etc
- Format (text): Number format. Excel Online uses special inner format. It can be read via Get Cell Value Format output Short list of formats: Number - 0 Currency - $#,##0 Date - m/d/yyyy Percentage - 0.00% Fraction - # ?/? Scientific - 0.00E+00 Text - @ Accounting - _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)
Output Fields
- Response
- Status Code (number)