Reads event information.
Input Field
- Event ID
- IDs (list): ID of the event you wish to read.
Output Fields
- Event
- Attendee (list): List of all attendees for event.
- Description (text): Description of event information.
- URL (text): URL/Web address of event.
- Start Time (calendar): Date and Time event starts.
- End Time (calendar): Date and Time event ends.
- Created At (calendar): Date and Time event was created on.
- Changed At (calendar): Date and Time event was last changed on.
- Capacity (number): The maximum number of people who can attend.
- Status (text): One of
- Venue ID (text): Identification code of venue event is hosted at.
- Category (text): The event’s category (technology, music, science, etc.)
- Subcategory ID (text): The event’s subcategory (optional)
- Online Event? (yes or no): If marked “true”, the event is online.
- Listed? (yes or no): If marked “true”, the event is listed.
- Shareable? (yes or no): If marked “true”, the event is shareable among attendees.
- Password (text): Password for sharing the event.
- Invite Only? (yes or no): If marked “true”, the event is only available to attendees who are invited.