Returns a list of attendees for an event in Eventbrite.
Input Fields
- Event
- EventId (text): ID of the event you wish to get the attendees for.
Output Fields
- Attendees
- Attendee (list of objects): List of all attendees for event.
- Name (text): The name of the attendee.
- First Name(text): Attendee First Name.
- Last Name(text): Attendee Last Name.
- Prefix(text): Attendee prefix.
- Suffix(text): Attendee suffix.
- Job Title(text): Attendee’s job title.
- Company(text): Attendee’s company.
- Website(text): Attendee’s website address.
- Cell Phone(text): Attendee’s cell phone number.
- Ticket Class ID (text): the ticket_class that the attendee registered with
- Ticket Class Name(text): the name of the ticket_class.
- Barcodes(list of objects):
- Barcode (text): the barcode contents
- Barcode Status (text): one of unused, used, or refunded
- Attendee (list of objects): List of all attendees for event.