Start a Flow when an attendee is checked in to an event.
- Event ID (text): ID of the event to monitor for attendee check ins
Output Fields
- Attendee
- Created At (date): when the attendee was created
- Changed At (date): when the attendee was last changed
- Ticket Class ID (text): the ticket_class that the attendee registered with
- Event ID (text): the event ID that this attendee is attending
- Order ID (text): the order ID this attendee is part of
- Promotional Code (object): the promotional code applied to this attendee
- Affiliate Code (text): the attendee’s affiliate code
- Checked In? (boolean): if the attendee is checked in
- Cancelled? (boolean): if the attendee is cancelled
- Refunded? (boolean): if the attendee is refunded
- Status (text): the status of the attendee
- Barcodes (list of objects):
- Barcode (text): the barcode contents
- Status (text): one of unused, used, or refunded
- Created At (text): when the attendee barcode was created
- Changed At (date): when the attendee barcode was changed
- Profile
- Name (text): the attendee’s name
- First Name (text): the attendee’s first name
- Last Name (text): the attendee’s last name
- Email (text): the attendee’s email address
- Prefix (text): the title or honoraria used in front of the name (e.g. Mr., Mrs., etc.)
- Suffix (text): the suffice at the end of the name (e.g. Jr, Sr)
- Age (number): the attendee’s age
- Job Title (text): the attendee’s job title
- Company (text): the attendee’s company name
- Website (text): the attenndee’s website address
- Blog (text): the attendee’s blog address
- Gender (text): the attendee’s gender
- Birth Date (date): the attendee’s birth date
- Cell Phone (text): the attendee’s cell/mobile phone number, as formatted by them
- Addresses
- Address (list of objects):
- Type (text): the address type (e.g. home, ship, or work)
- Line 1 (text): line of the address
- Line 2 (text): line two of the address
- City (text): city of the address
- Region (text): region of the address
- Postal Code (text): postal code of the address
- Country Code (text): the ISO 3166 country code for the countryd
- Address (list of objects):