Gets information on a file given the URL and the password.
Input Fields
- Read by
- URL (text): The share link URL.
- Password (text): The password associated with the file.
Output Fields
- File
- Name (text): the name of the file.
- Unique ID (text): the file ID.
- Path (text): the path of the file.
- Revision number (text): number of revisions.
- Client Time Modified(text)
- Server Time Modified(text)
- Size(text): size of the file.
- File Content(file): the content in the file.
- Sharing Info
- Read Only (text)
- Parent Folder ID (text)
- Modified By(text): Who made changes
- Content Owner
- Account ID(text)
- Same Team(text)
- Team Member ID(text)
- Name(text): The name of the owner
- Last Name(text)
- Email(text)