Read Customer

Reads a customer in Desk using their Customer ID.

Input Field

  • Read by
    • Customer ID (text): The ID of the customer to read. Can be found by using ‘Search Customers’.

Output Fields

  • Customer
    • First Name (text): The customer’s first name.
    • Last Name(text): The customer’s last name.
    • Display Name (text): The customer’s display name.
    • Company ID(text): The ID of the company they belong to.  Can also be found by using ‘Search Companies’. i.e. “99165269”.
    • Company Name (text): The name of the company they belong to.
    • Title(text): Their title.
    • Work Email(list of text): The customer’s email(s).
    • Work Phone(list of text): The customer’s phone number(s).
    • Work Address(list of text): The customer’s work address(es).
    • Created At (text): When the customer was created.
    • Updated At (text): When the customer’s information was most recently updated.
  • Custom Fields
    • Custom Field 1(text): A custom field.
    • Custom Field 2(text): See above.