Create a feed item in Salesforce, and attach it to an object where the feed is published. This feed object is determined by the dropdown fields in Options - Feed Type.


  • Feed Type
    • Record (dropdown): Create a feed item on a record object (Opportunity, Lead, Contract, etc.)
    • Group (dropdown): Create a feed item on a group object.
    • User (dropdown): Create a feed item in a specific user’s feed.
    • My Feed (dropdown): Create a feed item in your feed.

Input Fields

  • Message
    • Text (text): The main message that will be displayed as the feed message.
    • Mention ID (text): Name of the user that you would like to tag in this feed item.
    • Hashtag (text): A field that will populate a hashtag for the given feed item.
    • Link (text): A URL.
  • Feed 
    • Feed ID (text): The ID of the feed that you would like this feed item to belong to. For example, a User ID, Opportunity ID, etc.

Output Fields

  • Output
    • Feed Item ID (text): The ID of the feed item that was just created.