- Basecamp (drop down menu): Choose from existing projects.
Output Fields
- Document
- Status (text):
- Title (text): The title of the document.
- Content (text): The text/ content of the document.
- Created At (text): The date the document was created on.
- URL (text): The URL of the document.
- Comments Count (number):
- Basecamp
- Basecamp ID (text): The ID of the basecamp the document is in.
- Basecamp Name (text): The name of the basecamp.
- Author
- User ID (number): The User ID of the author.
- Full Name (text): The author’s full name.
- Email Address (text): The author’s email.
- Type (text): The type of user of the author.
- Title (text): The author’s title.
- Admin? (T/F): If the author is an admin.
- Owner? (T/F): if the author is the owner.
- Company ID (number): The ID of the company the author belongs to.
- Company Name (text): The name of the company the author belongs to.