Creates a to-do item in a Basecamp 3 to-do list.


  • Basecamp (drop down list): Choose from existing projects.

Input Fields

  • To-do
    • List ID (number): The unique identifier for the List. Found in the URL of the to-do list. (**594936024**)
    • Content (text): What the to-do is for.
    • Description (text): Information about the to-do.
    • Assignee IDs (list of text): The IDs of the users who are assigned to the task.
    • Notify Assignees? (T/F): When set to true, will notify the assignees about being assigned.
    • Due On (text): The date when the to-do should be completed. ie 2017-07-13.
    • Starts On (text): Allows the to-do to run from this date until the ‘Due On’ date. ie 2017-07-08.

Output Fields

  • To-do ID(number): The ID number for the to-do.
  • To-do URL (text): The URL of the to-do.