Invoke a Lambda function.

Invocations may be synchronous or asynchronous. In a synchronous invocation, Lambda waits for a response that contains details or errors. In an asynchronous invocation, Lambda adds an event to a queue. After the event is sent, the response includes a status code only.


  • Your Functions (dropdown): list of functions that you can invoke


Parameters * invocationType (drop-down)
* RequestResponse: Synchronous invocation. The connection remains open until a response is received. * DryRun: Verification of user permissions. Try this before invoking a function to prevent errors.
* Event: Asynchronous invocation. Events are added to a queue and attempted twice before moving to dead-letter queue. * logType (drop-down) * None: exclude execution log from the response * Tail: include execution log in response * clientContext (object): data about the client (limit: 3583 bytes of base64-encoded data) * payload (object): JSON data to provide to the function * qualifier (text): alias of the function (if it has published previously)


Response * Status Code (number): HTTP code for the request. Successful requests are in the 200 range; errors are in the 400-500 range. * Output (text): response from the function * Log Result (text): the last 4KB of the execution log