Monitors for an updated task within a specific project. NOTE: This event can not pick up updates to tasks that are not assigned to a project.
Organization (dropdown): a dropdown of your available workspaces in Asana.
Select Project By (dropdown): a dropdown menu to choose how you would like to find your project.
Dropdown Menu: Allows you to use the Projects dropdown menu to select your project from the list. NOTE: Use this for workspaces with a small number of projects.
Project ID: Allows you to use the Project ID field to look up your project. NOTE: if you select this option, select the “Use ID” option in the Projects dropdown.
Projects (dropdown): a dropdown of your available projects on which to monitor for an updated task. NOTE: The Asana API does not allow monitoring all projects for updated tasks, so you must build a new Flow for each project on which you are monitoring for updated tasks.
Project ID (text): A field to look up your project by project ID. This field is necessary when you use Select Project By: Project ID but the contents are ignored otherwise.
Output Fields
- Task Name (text): the name of the task that was updated.
- Task ID (number): the unique identifier of the task that was updated.
- Time Created (date): the date and time on which the task was first created.
- Due On (date): the date at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned a due date without a time specified. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
- Due At (date and time): the date and time at which the task is due. NOTE: this field will only output data when a task was assigned with a due date AND a specified time. This means that you may have to use the Assign If function to send the due date to another app depending on whether the Due On OR the Due At field has data.
- Description (text): a description of the task.
- Completed? (boolean): returns either ‘true’ or ‘false’ depending on whether the task has been completed or not.
- Time Completed (date): the date and time on which the task was completed. Will only output data if the field Completed? is true.
- Assignee ID (number):the unique ID of the team member to which the task is assigned.
- Assignee Name (text): the name of the team member to which the task is assigned.
- Project ID (number):the unique ID of the project on which the task exists.
- Project Name (text): the name of the project on which the task exists.