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  • Date Extraction

    Extracts a date from text.

    Input Fields

    • Text: the text containing a date and/or time

    Output Fields

    • Date: a date & time value for the first date & time found in Text


    If Text is “Your appointment is on 1/1/18 at 11am.” Then Date will be 2018-01-01T11:00:00.000Z

  • Sentiment Analysis

    The Sentiment Analyzer Function uses natural language analysis to assign a sentiment rating to text.

    Input Fields

    • Text is the sentence or sentences you want to analyze.

    Output Fields

    • Result is one of the following values: very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative.


    • “Thank you for your help.” - positive
    • “This is the worst product ever!” - very negative
    • “Let’s go bowling.” - neutral
  • Summarize URL

    Produces a one-paragraph text summary of a web page.

    Input Fields

    • URL: the URL of the page to summarize, i.e. http://www.mycompany.com

    Output Fields

    • Summary: a one-paragraph summary.
  • Value Extraction

    Extracts text between two specified separators. If there are multiple matches, returns them all separated by commas in a single text output. For instance, given text that is a comma-separated list of email addresses, you could use this function to get back a comma-separated list of domain names.


    • End Of Value: Choose from the list the character(s) that specify where to end the text you are looking to extract, e.g. a space, period, comma, or all of the above.

    Input Fields

    • key text: a value to look for inside of analyze text that specifies where to begin the text extraction (this value is not included in the output text). It can be a single character like @ (for extracting domain names from email) or could be a key phrase such as Name: that signals where to find the text you are looking to extract.

    • analyze text: the text to look inside of.

    Output Fields

    • all: the text value extracted from the analyze text or multiple text values separated by commas in a single text output.


    If End of Value is (space), key text is @ and analyze text is support@company.com, then all is company.com.
    If End of Value is , (comma), key text is @ and analyze text is support@company1.com,contact@company2.com, then all is company1.com,company2.com.
    If End of Value is . (period), key text is @ and analyze text is support@company.com, then all is company.
    If End of Value is . (period), key text is @ and analyze text is support@company1.com,contact@company2.com, then all is company1,company2.