Reads the value stored in an object at a given path. For example, if the object is: { "a":"one", "b":"two", "c": 17 }
then specifying a path of b will retrieve the text two. To get more than one value at a time from an object, use Get Multiple instead.
You can retrieve values from nested objects by using a dot to separate the key names, i.e. if the object is { "a": { "b": "this", "c":"that" } }
then a path of a.c will retrieve the value that. If there’s a list in the path, you can use the index number in the path, i.e. if the object is {"a":[{"b":"first"},{"b":"second"},{"b":"third"}]}
then a path of a.2.b will retrieve the value third.
Important note: you must define the type of the output to match the actual type of the value at that path. If you specify a different type than the actual value, the Flow is likely to fail at runtime because the engine expects all types to be defined correctly when the Flow is designed. For example, if you retrieve path c from object { "a":"one", "b":"two", "c": 17 }
and don’t change the type of output to be number, then you may encounter runtime errors.
Input Fields
- object: the object containing the desired key
- path: the key or path that identifies the desired value
Output Fields
- output: the value at the specified path