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  • Absolute Value

    Calculates the absolute value of a number, which is the size of the number irrespective of negative or positive. For instance, the absolute values of -5 and 5 are both 5.

    Input Fields

    • number (number): the number you want the absolute value of

    Output Fields

    • output (number): the absolute value
  • Add

    Returns the sum of the input values.

    Input Fields

    This card accepts any number of input values when calculating the sum. As a default, it accepts two input values but more can be added.

    • number 1: the first value
    • number 2: the second value

    Output Fields

    • total: the sum of the values provided
  • Divide

    Returns the quotient from the division operation between two values.

    Input Fields

    • number: the number you want to divide (the dividend)
    • divide by: the number you want to divide it by (the divisor)

    Output Fields

    • output: the result of the division (the quotient)
  • Exponent

    Calculates Euler’s number, e (~ 2.718), raised to a specified power, or exponent. To calculate a different base number to a specified exponent, use Power instead.

    Input Fields

    • number: The number e will be raised to.

    Output Fields

    • output: The calculated value of e to the specified power.
  • Factorial

    Calculates the factorial of a number, returning 0 if that number is less than 0. A factorial is the product of an integer and all the integers below it. For instance, the factorial of 5 is 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 which is 120.

    Input Fields

    • number (Number): the initial value

    Output Fields

    • output (Number): the value produced from the factorial operation


    Factorial of 3 is 9 (3 x 2 x 1) Factorial of 6 is 720 (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)

  • Formula

    Build a math expression by combining operators, functions and numbers you type with fields you drag and drop in. Place number fields anywhere in the expression where there can be a number. At runtime, the expression is evaluated using the values of the fields to generate a single _output_ number.

    Operators you can use are:

    + for addition
    - for subtraction (or negative)
    * for multiply
    / for divide
    ^ for power, e.g. 10^2 = 100
    % for remainder/modulo, e.g. 12%5 = 2
    ! for factorial, e.g. 3! = 6
    # allows you to add a comment to your expression (anything you type after the # is ignored when the expression is evaluated)

    Use parentheses to group operations so they calculate together first.

    You can also use standard math functions (with arguments inside parentheses), including:

    abs - absolute value - e.g. abs(-10) returns 10
    ceil - rounds up to the nearest integer
    floor - rounds down to the nearest integer
    min - the smallest of a comma separated list of numbers
    max - the largest of a comma separated list of numbers
    round - rounds to the nearest integer
    random - a random number between 0 and a given value, or 1 if followed by empty parentheses - e.g. random(10) or random()
    exp - e to the power of a given value
    log - the logarithm using base e of a value
    log10 - the logarithm using base 10 of a value
    pow - the first parameter to the power of the second parameter, e.g. pow(2,3) = 8
    sqrt - the square root of a value
    pi - the value for pi (use without parentheses)
    sin - the sine of an provided angle in radians
    cos - the cosine of an provided angle in radians
    tan - the tangent of an provided angle in radians
    asin - the arcsine of a value between -1 and 1
    acos - the arccosine of a value between -1 and 1
    atan - the arctangent of a value between -1 and 1
    sinh - the hyperbolic sine of a value between -1 and 1
    cosh - the hyperbolic cosine of a value between -1 and 1
    tanh - the hyperbolic tangent of a value between -1 and 1

    You can combine multiple operations, such as:


    And number fields (i.e. dropping an output from a previous card into the middle of a calculation) can be used in place of any number value.

    For binary arithmetic, use & (bitwise and), ~ (bitwise not), | (bitwise or), ^| (bitwise xor), << (left shift), and >> (right shift).

    Input Fields

    The function has one large input area that accepts a combination of numbers, operators, and math functions you type with number fields you drag/drop in.

    Output Fields

    output - the number that results from evaluating the expression using the values of the fields at runtime.

  • Log

    Calculate a logorithm, which is the power to which a base number must be raised to produce a given number.

    Input Fields

    • input: The number to calculate the logorithm for
    • base: The base to use, often 10

    Output Fields

    • output: The power to which the base number must be raised


    If input is 100 and base is 10 then output is 2 because 10^2 = 100
    If input is 8 and base is 2 then output is 3 because 2^3 = 8

  • Multiply

    Returns the product of provided values.

    Input Fields

    This card accepts any number of input values when calculating the product. As a default, it accepts two input values.

    • number 1: the first value
    • number 2: the second value

    Output Fields

    • output: the product of the values provided
  • Power

    Calculate a base number raised to a specified power, or exponent.

    Input Fields

    • base: The base number
    • exponent: The power to raise the base number to

    Output Fields

    • output: The final product


    10 to the power of 3 is 1000 because 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000
    2 to the power of 3 is 8 because 2 x 2 x 2 = 8

  • Random Integer

    Calculates a random integer between two numbers.

    Input Fields

    • Greater than or equal to: the randomly generated integer will be greater than or equal to this value
    • Less than: the randomly generated integer will be less than this value

    Output Fields

    • random: a randomly generated generated number between the two input values.
  • Remainder

    Finds the remainder after the division of two integers.

    Input Fields

    • number (Number): the dividend value (value being divided)
    • divide by (Number): the divisor value (the value to divide by)

    Output Fields

    • remainder (Number): the remainder after doing the division


    If number is 13 and divide by is 5 then remainder is 3 because 13 / 5 = 2 with a remainder of 3
    If number is 31 and divide by is 10 then remainder is 1 because 31 / 10 = 3 with a remainder of 1

  • Round

    Rounds a number to the nearest integer.

    For different options, also see: Round Up, Round Down, and Round Decimal Places.

    Input Fields

    • number: The number you wish to round.

    Output Fields

    • rounded: The rounded value.


    • If number is 10.4 then rounded is 10
    • If number is 10.5 then rounded is 11
  • Round Decimal Places

    Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

    Other rounding options are: Round (closest integer), Round Up, and Round Down.

    Input Fields

    • number: the number to be rounded
    • decimal places: the number of decimal places to round to

    Output Fields

    • rounded: the rounded number


    • If number is 10.33333333 and decimal places is 2, then rounded is 10.33
    • If number is 10.66666666 and decimal places is 1, then rounded is 10.7
  • Round Down

    Round down to the nearest integer (aka Floor).

    Alternatively, you can choose Round (closest integer), Round Up, or Round Decimal Places.


    0.95 -> 0

    1.25 -> 1

    3.0001 -> 3

    Input Fields

    • number: the number to be rounded down

    Output Fields

    • rounded down: the number rounded down
  • Round Up

    Round up to the nearest integer (aka Ceiling).

    Alternatively, you can choose Round (closest integer), Round Down, or Round Decimal Places.


    0.95 -> 1

    1.25 -> 2

    3.0001 -> 4

    Input Fields

    • number: the number to be rounded up

    Output Fields

    • rounded up: the number rounded up
  • Sign

    Calculates the sign of a number.

    Input Fields

    • number: The number to test the sign of

    Output Fields

    • Output is either:
      • -1 if the input is a negative number
      • 0 if the input is zero
      • 1 if the input is a positive number
  • Square Root

    Calculates the square root of a number, e.g. the square root of 16 is 4.

    Input Fields

    • number - The number to find the square root of.

    Output Fields

    • square root - The square root of number
  • Subtract

    Returns the difference between two values.

    Input Fields

    • number: the start value
    • subtract: the value to subtract

    Output Fields

    • difference: the first input minus the second input