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**NOTE: You must be an admin in Zenefits to create a configuration.
The first time you add a Zenefits card to a Flow, you will need to create a configuration. This will allow you to connect to your account, save your account information, and reuse that configuration next time you build a Flow with the connector. That way, you don’t have to sign in every time you want to build a Flow with this Connector. Instead, use the configuration you have already set up. You can create and save multiple configurations and share them with your teammates.

Here’s how to set up a new configuration in Zenefits:

  1. Enter in an Account Nickname. This should be unique so if you connect multiple Zenefits accounts you will be able to tell them apart.
  2. Click “Create” to launch a pop-up window where you will sign into your Zenefits Account. This will also save your configuration.


    • List Employees

      Generates a list of all employees in Zenefits.

      Output Fields

      • List
        • Employee (list): List of all employees and their information.
    • Read Employee


      Read employee details using an existing ID.

      Input Fields

      • Read by
        • Employee ID (text): Identification code of employee searched.

      Output Fields

      • Employee
        • First Name (text): First name of searched employee.
        • Last Name (text): Last name of searched employee.
        • Preferred Name (text):  Preferred first name of search employee.
        • Title (text): Job Title of employee.
        • Work Email (text): Email associated with employee’s work.
        • Personal Email (text): Personal email of searched employee.
        • Personal Phone (text): Personal phone number of searched employee.
        • Gender (text): Orientation of employee (Eg. Female, male, etc..)
        • Social Security Number (text): a number in the format 000-00-0000, unique for each individual, used to track Social Security benefits and for other identification purposes.
        • Date of Birth (text): Day, Month, and Year of employee’s birth.
        • Company ID (number):  Identification number of company employee is associated with.
        • Company Name (text): Name/Title of company employee is associated with.
        • Department ID (number): Identification number of department employee is associated with.
        • Department Name (text): Name/Title of department employee is associated with.
        • Location ID (text): Identification number of location employee works at.
        • Location Name (text): Name/Title of location employee works at.
        • Manager Employee ID (text): Identification number of employee’s manager.
        • Subordinate Employee IDs (number): Identification number of employee’s subordinates.
      • Address
        • Street 1 (text): First street address of employee searched.
        • Street 2 (text): Optional second address of employee searched.
        • City (text): City of employee residence.
        • Postal Code (text): Postal code (00000 format in the US) of employee residence.
        • Country (text): Country of residence.
    • Read Employment History

      Read Employment history using existing Employee ID.

      Input Fields

      • Employee ID (list): List of all employees and their information.

      Output Fields

      • Employee
        • History (list): List of information regarding employee’s history with company.
    • Search Employees

      Search Employees.

      Input Fields

      • Read by
        • First Name (text): First name of searched employee.
        • Last Name (text): Last name of searched employee.
        • Status(text):  Employment type of employee (Eg. Part time, full time, etc..)
        • Company ID (number):  Identification number of company employee is associated with.
        • Department ID (number): Identification number of department employee is associated with.
        • Location ID (text): Identification number of location employee works at.
        • Manager Employee ID (text): Identification number of employee’s manager.

      Output Fields

      • Employee
        • Employee ID (text): ID of employee searched.
    • Trigger Flow

      Trigger an existing flow in Zenefits using the unique type of that flow