This card monitors for tickets that are updated within Zendesk.
Output Fields
Any custom fields that exist will appear under ‘Record’.
- Record
- id (text): The ID of the ticket.
- url (text): The URL of the ticket.
- external id (text): An ID that you can assign to match this ticket with your own records.
- type (text): The type of ticket. Can be “problem”, “incident”, “question” or “task”.
- subject (text): The subject of the ticket.
- description (text): The first comment on a ticket.
- priority (text): The priority of the ticket. Can be “urgent”, “high”, “normal”, or “low”.
- status (text): The state of the ticket. Can be “new”, “open”, “pending”, “hold”, “solved”, or “closed”.
- recipient (text): The email address of the original recipient of the ticket.
- requested id (text): The ID of the user who requested the ticket.
- submitter id (text): The ID of the user who submitted the ticket. The submitter will is the author of the first comment on the ticket.
- assignee id (text): The ID of the agent to whom the ticket is assigned.
- collaborator ids (text): A comma-delimited list of the IDs of the users who are currently CC’d on the ticket.
- organization id (text): The ID of the organization of that the requester belongs to.
- group id (text): The ID of the group the user is assigned to.
- forum topic id (text): The ID of the forum topic that the ticket originated from, if any.
- problem id (text): The ID of the problem that the ticket (if incident) is linked to, if any.
- has incidents (text): Returns ‘true’ if the ticket type is ‘problem’. Returns ‘false’ otherwise.
- due at (text): The due date of the ticket if it is of type ‘task’.
- tags (text): A comma-delimited list of the tags associated with the ticket.
- via (text): A description of how the ticket was created (ex: “api”, “web”, “mobile”).
- satisfactionrating** (text): The satisfaction rating of the ticket, or the state of satisfaction (“offered” or “unoffered”).
- sharing agreement ids (List): A list of numbers of the sharing agreement IDs used for this ticket.
- followupids** (List): A list of numbers of the follow up ticket IDs used for this ticket.
- ticket form id (text): The ID of the brand associated with this ticket.
- brand id (text): The ID of the brand associated with this ticket.
- public? (True/False): True or false about whether the ticket is publicly viewed or not.
- created at (text): Date and time that the ticket was created (ex: 2016-05-24T13:41:22Z).
- updated at (text): Date and time that the ticket was most recently updated.