Start Flow when a new ticket is created.
Output Fields
- Ticket
- Ticket URL (text): The website URL the ticket is associated with.
- External ID (text): A unique id you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.
- Created At (date): Time and date organization was created.
- Updated At (date): Time and date organization was last updated.
- Type (text): The type of this ticket, i.e. “problem”, “incident”, “question”, or “task”.
- Subject (text): The value of the subject field for this ticket.
- Description* (text): The first comment on the ticket (header for ticket).
- Priority (text): Priority defines the urgency with which the ticket should be addressed, “urgent”, “high”, “normal”, and “low”.
- Status (text): The state of the ticket , “new, “open”, “pending”, “hold”, “solved”, or “closed”.
- Recipient (text): The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket.
- Requester ID (number): Identification code of user who requested this ticket.
- Submitter ID (number): Identification code of the user who submitted the ticket; The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket.
- Assignee ID (number): Identification code of what agent is currently assigned to the ticket.
- Collaborator ID (number): Identification code of who is currently CC’ed on the ticket.
- Group ID (number): Identification number of the group this ticket is assigned to.
- Forum Topic ID (number): The topic this ticket originated from, if any.
- Problem ID(number): Identification code of the problem this incident is linked to, if any.
- Has Incidents? (yes or no): Is true of this ticket has been marked as a problem, false otherwise.
- Due At (date): If this is a ticket of type “task” it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.
- Tags (list): The array of tags applied to this ticket.
- Via Channel (text): This object explains how the ticket was created using channels.
- Satisfaction Score (text): The rating: “offered”, “unoffered”, “good” or “bad”.
- Satisfaction Comment (text): The comment received with this rating, if available.
- Sharing Agreement IDs (list): The ids of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.
- Ticket Form ID (number): The Id of the ticket form to render for this ticket - only applicable for enterprise accounts.
- Brand ID (number): The Id of the brand this ticket is associated with - only applicable for enterprise accounts.
- Custom Fields : A dynamically generated list of any custom fields associated with the ticket. More on custom Fields.