Searches for tasks in Wrike.


  • Return (drop down menu): If you want the card to return a list of all matching tasks, or just the first match.

Input Fields

  • Search by
    • Title (text): Name/Title of project searched.
    • Status (text): Status of task being searched (Eg. Green, Yellow, Red, On Hold…)
    • Importance (text): Level of importance of specific task (Eg. High, Moderate, Low Importance)
    • Start Date Range (object): Range of dates task was started on.
    • Due Date Range (object): Range of dates task is due.
    • Scheduled Date Range (object): Range of dates task is scheduled on.
    • Created Date Range (object): Range of dates task was created on.
    • Updated Date Range (object): Range of dates task was updated on.
    • Completed Date Range (object): Range of dates task was completed on.
    • Author IDs (text): Identification code of the author of the task.
    • Assignee IDs (text): Identification code of users assigned to task.
    • Shared User IDs (text): Identification code of users task was shared to.
    • Task Type (text): Type of task assigned.
    • Limit (text):  Limit of  number of columns allowed.
    • Sort Field (text): Field which task is sorted in.
    • Sort Order (text): Sort columns by the chosen parameter in ascending or descending order
    • Custom Status ID (text): Identification code of Custom status. Only Business and Enterprise accounts have access to creating custom workflows and statuses.
    • Task Metadata (text): set of data that describes and gives information about other data which is connected to the task.

Output Fields

  • Task ID(text): Identification code of Task (Eg. IEAAVRGAMG…)
  • Title (text): Name/Title of task searched.
  • Description (text): brief description of task.

Hint: Title and Name are interchangeable Click here for more help.