Reads a customer in Shopify.
Input Fields
- Read by
- Customer ID (text): The ID for the customer. Can be found by using ‘Search Customers’ (must know the customer’s email) or in the URL of the customer (**5697528530**).
Output Fields
- Customer
- First Name (text): The first name of the customer.
- Last Name (text): The last name of the customer.
- Email (text): The customer’s email.
- Accepts Marketing? (T/F): If the customer receives marketing emails.
- Email Verified? (T/F): If the customer’s email is verified.
- Orders Count (text): The number of orders the customer has made.
- Status (text): The status of the customer.
- Total Spent (number): The total amount the customer has spent.
- Last Order Name (text): The name of the customer’s most recent order.
- Last Order ID (text): The order ID for the customer’s most recent order.
- Note (text): A note about the customer.
- Created At (text): The date the customer was created.
- Updated At (text): The date the customer information was most recently updated.
- Tags (text): Tags for the customer. Multiple tags can be added by using a comma to separate them. Note: tags are limited to 40 characters.
- Tax Exempt? (T/F): If the customer is exempt from tax.
- Default Address
- First Name (text): First name that will appear on the address.
- Last Name (text): Last name of the name that will appear on the address.
- Address Line 1 (text): The street address for the customer.
- Address Line 2 (text): Unit number.
- City (text): The city for the address.
- State or Province (text): The state or province for the customer address.
- Phone (text): Phone number of the contact.
- Country (text): The country.
- Zip Code (text): The zip code for the address.
- List
- Addresses (list of objects)
- First Name (text): First name that will appear on the address.
- Last Name (text): Last name of the name that will appear on the address.
- Address Line 1 (text): The street address for the customer.
- Address Line 2 (text): Unit number.
- City (text): The city for the address.
- State or Province (text): The state or province for the customer address.
- Phone (text): Phone number of the contact.
- Zip Code (text): The zip code for the address.
- Country (text): The country.
- Addresses (list of objects)