Creates a sharing like for a document in SharePoint.


  • Site Path (text): The location of the site. Found in the URL of the site
  • Your SharePoint Drives (drop down menu): The drives available in that site.

Input Fields

  • Document
    • Item ID (text): The ID of the document. Can be found by using ‘Search Documents’.
  • Link
    • Type (drop down menu): View, Edit, or Embed- what abilities the receiver of the share link will have.
    • Scope (drop down menu): Anonymous or Organization
      • Anonymous: A folder or document can be shared with an external user via an anonymous link, meaning the person accessing the document can’t be identified by the organization. These guest users are commonly called “anonymous users”. When this option is chosen, your document will be visible to anyone who has access to the link, meaning an external user to whom it was sent to directly can share the link to other external users. Thus, documents containing sensitive data should never be shared this way.
      • Organization: Content can also be shared with authenticated external users, meaning guest users are sent an invitation by email and prompted to sign in using an account from a trusted provider in order to access the content in question. Once the invitation is accepted, they are added to your organization’s directory as an external user, but will only have access to the specific elements you shared with them. If you’ve shared an entire site, they’ll have access to everything in it, so make sure it doesn’t contain sensitive content.

Output Fields

  • Link (text): The new sharing link for the document.