Trigger a workflow when a task is updated in the selected workspace.


  • Workspace (dropdown): a list of  workspaces accessible by the user

Output Fields

  • Task
    • Task ID (text): ID of the task
    • Name (text): name of the task
    • Description (text): description of the task
    • State (text): current state of the task
    • Owner (text): the task owner
    • Notes (text): notes associated with the task
    • Date Created (text): date the task was created
    • Project Name (text): name of the project the task is associated with
    • Project ID (text): ID of the project the task is associated with
    • Formatted ID (text): the formatted ID of the task
    • Estimate (text): the number of units estimated to complete the task
    • Blocked (boolean): indicator of whether the work on the task is blocked
    • Blocked Reason (text): indicates the reason why the task is blocked
    • Tags (list of text): tags associated with the task
    • Version ID (text):
    • Actuals (text): the actual number of units it took to complete the task
    • Expedite (boolean): indicates if the task should be expedited
    • Ready (boolean): indicates if the task is ready to be worked
    • To Do (text): the remaining amount of work to be completed for the task
    • Task Index (text): index of the task
    • Work Item Name (text): name of the work product the task is associated with
    • Work Item Type (text): type of the work product the task is associated with
    • Work Item ID (text): ID of the work product the task is associated with
    • Iteration Name (text): name of the iteration of the card the task is assigned to
    • Iteration ID (text): ID of the iteration of the card the task is assigned to
    • Release Name (text): name of the release of the card the task is assigned to
    • Release ID (text): ID of the release of the card the task is assigned to
    • Workspace Name (text): workspace of the task