Creates a task in Rally.
Input Fields
- Task
- Name (text): The name of the task.
- Description (text): Description of the task.
- Notes (text): Notes for the task.
- State (text): Open or Closed (case-sensitive).
- Ready (boolean): Whether or not the task is ready.
- Owner ID (text): The ID of who owns the project.
- Task Index (text): Task index.
- Blocked (boolean): To determine if the task is blocked
- Tags (list of text): Tags for the task
- Blocked Reason (text): The reason this task is blocked (if blocked).
- Estimated Time to Complete (text): the time to complete.
- Work Item ID (text): The ID of the work item.
Output Fields
- Task
- Task ID (text): The ID for the new task.
- Date Created (text): The date the task was created.