Inserts a row into a table in PostgreSQL. If you wish to add more than one row at once, use ‘Build Row Object’ and then ‘Create Multiple Rows’ to add the row objects.


  • Table Name (drop down menu): A list of existing tables within your database. Choose the table which you wish to add to. Choose “”–Insert Table–” to add the table as an input value.

Input Fields

If Table Name is “–Insert Table–”:

  • Table
    • Table Name (text): The name of the table you will be adding to.
  • Row
    • Row Object (object): Enter in a row object for the row to be added. Use ‘Build Row Object’.

If the table is defined in Options:

  • Rows (dynamically generated based on existing columns in that table).

Output Fields

  • Row Object (object): The new row.