This action allows you to update a task associated with a project. You are not required to update any fields.


  • Project (dropdown): your available PlanGrid projects.


  • Title (string): the updated title of your task.

  • Stamp (string): a stamp you want attached to your updated task. These are usually 1 or 2 characters associated with the issue annotation. You should ensure the stamp already exists if you want to include it.

  • Type (string): the updated type of your task. Possible values are: “issue”, “planned_work”, and “other”.

  • Status (string): the updated status of your task. Possible values are: “open”, “in_review”, “pending”, and “closed”.

  • Description (string): your description of the updated task.

  • Assignees (string): users that the updated task is assigned to.

  • Cost Impact (string): the task’s updated cost impact with accuracy to hundredths of a cent. You should ensure that you use numerals in this field.

  • Due At (date): When the updated task is due. UTC date and time in ISO-8601 format.

    • ISO-8601 Example: 2008-09-15T15:53:00
    • ISO-8601 Example with time zone: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00
  • Schedule Impact in Days (number): the task’s updated schedule impact is in days.

  • Task List ID (string): the updated unique identifier of the task list to which the task will be assigned to.


This card has no output fields.