Make a custom call to the Netsuite API

NOTE: If you selected “Latest” when creating a connection, then you are using version 2018_1 API for custom API requests.

Input Fields

  • Operation (string): The operation you want to perform, like add, delete, get, search. See full list of supported operations from Page 174 to 176 here.

  • Namespace (string): The namespace (including version number) of the records you want to make API call. You can find the namespace here. For example, if you want to make API call about Customer record, then you need to click “C” from the top, find Customer from the left, click Customer, and copy the Namespace Note you need to add the version numer to be the final value for Namespace input:

  • Body (XML) (string): This input takes an XML string. An example XML to perform a get operation (Operation input as “get”, Namespace input as “”) to get detials about a customerPayment record would look like this:

    <soapenv:Body><platformMsgs:get><platformMsgs:baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" type="customerPayment" internalId="5896"/></platformMsgs:get></soapenv:Body>

    An example XML to perform an add operation (Operation input as “get”, Namespace input as “”) to add a customerPayment record would look like this:

    <soapenv:Body><platformMsgs:add><platformMsgs:record xsi:type="ns1:CustomerPayment"><ns1:customer internalId="1049"/><ns1:payment>100</ns1:payment></platformMsgs:record></platformMsgs:add></soapenv:Body>

    An example XML to perform a delete operation (Operation input as “get”, Namespace input as “”) to delete a customerPayment record would look like this:

    <soapenv:Body><platformMsgs:delete><platformMsgs:baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" type="customerPayment" internalId="47290"/></platformMsgs:delete></soapenv:Body>

    Output Fields

    • Status Code (number)
    • Headers (object)
    • Body (XML) (string): This output returns an XML string. If you want to convert the returned XML string to a JSON object, you can use the XML Parse function