Triggers a Flow when a project is created in Insightly.


  • Channel (drop down menu): The channel you wish to trigger the Flow when the event occurs within it.


  • Project
    • Project ID (number): The unique identifier of the project.
    • Project Name (text): The name of the new project.
    • Status (text): This field must have one of the following values: ‘Abandoned’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’, ‘In Progress’, ‘Not Started’.
    • Project Details (text): Details about project.
    • Opportunity ID (text): Unique key of the Opportunity from which the Project may have been converted.
    • Date Started (text): Date Project started, in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • Date Completed (text): Date Project finished, in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • Responsible User ID (text): ID of the User responsible for the Project.
    • Owner User ID (text): User ID of the owner.
    • Date Created (text): Date Project created, in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • Date Updated (text): Date Project updated, in YYYY-MM-DD format
    • Category ID (text): The Category ID of the Project, if it has been assigned to one.
    • Pipeline ID (text): The Pipeline ID that the Project is in if it has been assigned to one.
    • Stage ID (text): The Stage ID of the Stage that the Project is in if it has been assigned to one.
    • Visible To (text): This field can have one of the following values: ‘Everyone’ (Default), ‘Owner’, ‘Team’, or ‘Individuals’.
    • Visible Team ID (text): If VISIBLE_TO is ‘Team’, then this should be a Team ID.
    • Visible User IDs (list of text): If VISIBLE_TO is ‘Individuals’, then this should be a comma-separated list of User IDs. This field is always empty in the response. Upon successful POST or PUT an anonymous team is created from the list of IDs, and the response will contain a VISIBLE_TEAM_ID.
    • Tags (list of text): Set of Tags attached to the Project.
  • Custom Fields
    • Project Custom Field (text): Any custom fields of the project.
    • Project Field II (text): The second part of the project field.
  • Execution ID 
    • Execution ID (text): Unique identifier of execution of the Flow.