Makes a list of all companies and their information.
Output Fields
Company (list of objects):
- About us (text): The ‘about us’ section.
- Facebook Fans (number): The number of facebook fans.
- First Deal Created(text): When the first deal was created.
- Year Founded(text): The year the company was founded.
- Time First Seen(text): The first activity of any contact associated with this company (automatically populates).
- Time of First Visit(text): The time of the first visit by a contact associated with this company.
- Time Last Seen(text): The most recent activity of any contact associated with this company.
- Number of Pageviews (number): The number of pageviews the company has.
- Number of visits (number): The total number of visits for all contacts associated with this company.
- Original Source Data 1(text): Information about the original source of the contact with the earliest activity for this company.
- Original Source Data 2(text): Additional information about the original source of the contact with the earliest activity for this company.
- Avatar File(text)
Last Modified Date(text): The last time any property was modified for this company.
Owner Assigned Date(text): Timestamp for when a HubSpot Owner was assigned to the company.
Is Public (T/F): indicates that the company is publicly traded.
Associated Contacts (number): The number of contacts associated with the company.
Associated Deals (number): The number of deals in HubSpot CRM associated with the company.
Recent Deal Amount (number): The value of the last deal closed with the company.
Recent Deal Close Date(text): The date of the last deal closed with the company.
Time Zone(text): The time zone where the company or organization is located.
Total Money Raised(text): The amount of money raised by the company.
Total Revenue (number): The total value of deals closed with the company or organization.
Name(text): The name of the company.
Twitter Handle (text): The company’s Twitter handle.
Phone Number (text): The company’s primary phone number.
Test Property (number)
Twitter Bio (text): The company’s Twitter bio.
Twitter Followers (number): The number of Twitter followers the company has.
Street Address (text): The street address of the company.
Street Address 2 (text): Additional address information for the company.
Dropdown Property (text):
Facebook Company Page (text): The URL of the company’s Facebook page.
City (text): The city where the company is located.
LinkedIn Company Page(text): The URL of the company’s LinkedIn page.
LinkedIn Bio (text): The company’s LinkedIn bio.
State/Region (text): The state or region where the company is located.
Google Plus Page (text): The URL of the company’s Google Plus page.
Last Meeting Booked (text): The most recent meeting booked.
Last Meeting Booked Campaign (text): The most recent meeting booked campaign.
Last Meeting Booked Medium (text): The medium of the last meeting booked.
Last Meeting Booked Source (text): The source of the last meeting booked.
HubSpot Owner (text): The sales user that the company is assigned to; for more information, click here.
Last Contacted (text): The timestamp from the most recent call, email, or meeting logged for this company.
Last Activity Date (text): The last activity.
Next Activity Date (text): The next scheduled activity.
Number of times contacted (number): The amount of times the company has been contacted.
Number of Sales Activities (number): The number of sales activities.
Postal Code (text): The company’s postal code.
Country (text): The country the company is located in.
HubSpot Team (text): The hubspot team.
Website URL (text): The company’s web address.
Company Domain Name (text): The company’s website domain.
Number of Employees (number): Total number of people who work for the company.
Industry (text): The type of business the company performs.
Annual Revenue (number): The actual or estimated annual revenue of the company.
Lifecycle Stage (text): The stage down the funnel;Subscriber, Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, Opportunity, Customer, Evangelist, and Other.
Lead Status (text): The company’s sales, prospecting, or outreach status. By default, this property has 5 options (New, Open, In Progress, Open Deal, and Unqualified), but you can add, remove, or change these choices as needed.
Parent Company (number): The parent company of this company.
Type (text): The company’s relationship to you (Prospect, Partner, Reseller, Vendor, or Other).
Description (text): A short statement about the company’s mission and goals.
Number of child companies (number): The number of child companies of this company.
Create Date (text): The day the company was added to your account.
Close Date(text): The day the company became your customer.
First Contact Create Date (text): The day the first contact for this company was created in your account. This can pre-date the company’s Create Date property.
Days to Close (number): The number of days between the day the company was added to your account and the day they became a customer.
Web Technologies
Company ID (number): The ID of the company.