Start a Flow when a new contact is created.
Output Fields
Output fields for this Action include both HubSpot’s mandatory fields as well as any custom fields that are enabled on your Hubspot accont.
- Contact
- Contact ID (number): The ID for the contact within Hubspot.
- Days to Close (number): The number of days that passed between this contact being created and when this contact was registered as a customer.
- First Conversion Date (text): The date that this contact submitted their first form.
- First Conversion (text): The form that this contact first submitted.
- First Deal Created Date (text): Date of the first deal created for this contact.
- Avatar FileManager key (text):
- Sends Since Last Engagement (number): The number of emails that have been sent to a contact since their last interaction with an email.
- Email Confirmation Status (text): The status associated with a contact’s ability to receive emails.
- Facebook ID(text): The Facebook ID for this contact.
- googleplus ID (text): The googleplus ID for this contact.
- IP Timezone (text): The timezone associated with the contact’s IP address.
- Linkedin ID (text): The ID associated with this contact’s LinkedIn account.
- Recent Sales Emial Clicked Date (text): The most recent time this contact clicked a sales email.
- Recent Sales Email Opened Date (text): The most recent time this contact opened a sales email.
- Recent Sales Email Replied Date (text): The most recent time this contact replied to a sales email.
- Currently in Sequence (boolean): A true or false indication of this contact’s participation in a sequence.
- Twitter ID (text): The ID for this contact’s Twitter account.
- Owner Assigned Date (text): The date that the most recent HubSpot owner was assigned to this contact.
- IP City (text): The city that a contact’s IP address reports from.
- IP Country (text): The country that the contact’s IP reports.
- IP Country Code(text): The country code that the contact’s IP address reports from.
- IP Latitude & Longitude (text): The latitude and longitude reported by this contact’s IP address.
- IP State/Region (text): The state and region reported by this contact’s IP address.
- IP State Code/Region Code (text): The state code and region code reported by this contact’s IP address.
- IP Zipcode (text): The zipcode reported by this contact’s IP address.
- Last Modified Date (text): The date that any property associated with this contact was changed.
- Associated Deals (number): The deals associated with this contact.
- Number of Form Submissions (number): The number of forms that this contact has submitted.
- Number of Unique Forms Submitted (number): The number of unique forms this contact has submitted.
- Recent Conversion Date (text): The date that this contact submitted its most recent form.
- Recent Conversion(text): The last form that this contact submitted.
- Recent Deal Amount (number): The amount of the last closed deal associated with this contact.
- Recent Deal Close Date (text): The date of the most recent closed deal associated with this contact.
- Total Revenue (text): The total amount from all closed deal revenue associated with this contact.
- First Name (text): The first name associated with this contact.
- First Page Seen (text): The first page that a contact viewed on your website.
- Emails Delivered (number): The total number of emails that this contact has received.
- Opted out of email: Default Hubspot Blog Subscription (text): An indication of whether this contact has opted out of the default HubSpot blog subscription.
- Opted out of emailMarketing Information (text): An indication of whether this contact has opted out of the Marketing Information subscription.
- Twitter Username (text): The username of this contact’s Twitter account.
- Follower Count (number): The follower count of this contact’s Twitter account.
- Last Page Seen (text): The last page that a contact viewed on your website.
- Emails Opened (number): The total number of Marketing emails a contact has opened.
- Last Name (text): The last name associated with this contact.
- Number of Pageviews (number): The total number of pages a contact has viewed on your website.
- Emails Clicked (number): The number of Marketing emails that a contact has clicked on.
- Twitter Profile Photo (text): The profile picture associated with this contact’s twitter account.
- Email (text): The email address associated with this contact.
- Number of Visits (number): The total number of visits this contact has made to your website.
- Emails Bounced (number): The number of emails that have bounced from this contact.
- Persona (text): The persona associated with this contact.
- Most Recent Social Click (text): The most recent click that this contact made on a published social message.
- Number of event completions (number): The sum of all events that this contact is associated with.
- Opted out of all email(boolean): Whether this contact has opted out of all emails from a portal.
- Twitter Clicks (number): The number of times this contact clicked on links that you have shared on Twitter through hubspot.
- Mobile Phone Number (text): The mobile phone number associated with this contact.
- Phone Number (text): The primary phone number associated with this contact.
- Fax Number (text): The fax number that is associated with this contact.
- Time First Seen (text): The first time this contact was seen.
- Last email name (text): The name of the last marketing email that this contact receieved.
- Last email send date(text): The date that the last email was sent to this contact.
- Facebook Clicks (number): The number of clicks this contact has made on your shared media on Facebook.
- Street Address (text): The street address associated with this contact.
- Last Meeting Booked Campaign (text): The campaign of the most recent meeting that was booked through the Meetings App. This field may contain specifically the exact email that was sent.
- Time of First Visit (text): The time a contact first visited your website.
- Last email open date (text): The date of the most recently opened Marketing email from this contact.
- LinkedIn Clicks (number): The number of clicks shared on LinkedIn associated with this contact.
- HubSpot Owner (text): The owner of this contact within HubSpot.
- Last Contacted (text): The last time of any contact with this contact.
- last Activity Date (text): The last time a call, note, email, meeting, or task was logged for this contact.
- Next Activity Date (text): The date of the next scheduled activity for this contact.
- Number of times contacted (number): The number of times that this contact has been contacted by call, email, or meeting.
- Number of Sales Activities (number): The sales activities associated with this contact.
- SurveyMonkey Event Last Updated (number): one sentence description of field
- Webinar Event Last Updated (number):
- City(text): The city for this contact.
- Time Last Seen (text): The most recent time and date that this contact has viewed a page on your website.
- Last email click date (text): The date of the most recent click from this contact on any Marketing email sent in the CRM.
- Google plus Clicks (number): The number of clicks associated with this contact shared on Google Plus.
- HubSpot Team (text): The hubspot team associated with this contact.
- LinkedIn Bio (text): The linkedIn bio associated with this contact.
- Twitter Bio (text): The Twitter bio assoicated with this contact.
- Time of Last Visit (text): The last time this contact visited your website.
- First email send date (text): The date that the first email was sent to this contact.
- Broadcast Clicks (number): The number of clisk associated with this contact on published social messages.
- State/Region (text): The state that this contact lives in.
- Original Source (text): The first known source that this contact found your website.
- First email open date (text): The date that this contact first opened any Marketing email.
- Postal Code(text): The zip code associated with this contact.
- Country (text): The country that this contact is associated with.
- Original Source Drill-Down 1(text): Additional information about how this contact first found your website.
- First email click date (text): The date that this contactfirst clicked any Marketing email associated with this contact.
- LinkedIn Connections (number): The number of LinkedIn connections this contact has.
- Original Source Drill-Down 2 (text): Additional information about how this contact first found your website.
- Is globally ineligible (boolean):
- Job Title(text): The job title associated with this contact.
- Klout Score (number): The Klout score associated with this contact.
- First Referring Site (text): The website that referred this contact to your website.
- Last update of an email event (text):
- Message (text): Any messages or comments that this contact may leave on a form.
- Photo(text):
- Close Date (text): The date that this contact first became a customer.
- Last Referring Site (text): The last website that referred this contact to your site.
- Average Pageviews(text): The average number of pages that this contact sees.
- Lifecycle Stage (text): the compatability of this contact to sales initiatives.
- Event Revenue (number): This field can be modified through HubSpot’s enterprise Events
- Became a Lead Date (text): The date that this contact’s lifecycle was changed to Lead.
- Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date (text): The date that this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to MQL.
- Became an Opportunity Date (text): The date when this cotnact’s lifecycle stage was changed to Opportunity.
- IP Address (text): The IP address associated with this contact.
- Create Date (text): The date that this contact was entered into your system.
- Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date (text): The date this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to SQL.
- Became an Evangelist Date (text): The date when this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to Evangelist.
- HubSpot Score (text): The Hubspot score for this contact.
- Company Name (text): The name of the company that this contact is associated with.
- Became a Customer Date (text): The date that this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to Customer.
- Became a Subscriber Date (text): The date that this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to Subscriber
- Website URL (text): The company website associated with this contact.
- Became an Other Lifecycle Date (text): The date when this contact’s lifecycle stage was changed to Other.
- Number of Employees (text): The number of company employees associated with this contact.
- Annual Revenue (number): The annual company revenue.
- Associated Company ID(number): The ID of companies associated with this contact.
- Associated Company Last Updated (text): The most recent time this contact’s associated companies was updated.
- Context
- Execution ID (text): The execution ID for the contact creation within Hubspot.