Search Folders

Insert data into the “Input” fields in order to find a single folder within your GoogleDrive environment.

Input Fields

Not all of the fields are mandatory. Most often the search will only contain the “Name” field, but if you want to scope the search to more specific folders the more inputs are used the narrower the scope of the search will be.

IMPORTANT: This action only returns one folder result, even if more than one result would technically fit the inputs chosen.

  • Search By
    • Name (text): Name of the folder
    • Starred(True/False): “True” or ”False” are the accepted inputs.
      • True (text): A folder that has a “Starred” label applied to it.
      • False (text): A folder does not have a “Starred” label applied to it
    • Trashed (True/False): “True” or ”False” are the accepted inputs.
      • True (text): A folder that has been Trashed.
      • False (text): A folder that has not been Trashed.
    • Parent Folder ID (text): The unique ID of the parent folder inside of which the folder you are searching for should exist.
    • Owners (list): Name of the persons who own the folder.
    • Writers (list): List of names of people who have edit access to the folder.
    • Readers (list): List of names of people who have viewer access to the folder.

Output Fields

  • File
    • Folder Name (text): name of the folder if found.
    • Folder ID (text): Unique ID of the folder if found.