Update a user in G Suite.

Unless otherwise indicated, field types are text.


  • Update By
    • User ID: unique identifier of the user
  • User
    • First Name: user’s first name
    • Last Name: user’s last name
    • Primary Email: user’s primary email address (must be unique and cannot be an alias of another user)
    • Notes: notes for the user
    • Is Admin? (boolean): indicator if the user has super admininistrator privileges (this field can only be edited in the Make User Admin action)
    • Is Delegated Admin? (boolean): indicator if the user is a delegated administrator. Delegated administrators are supported by the API but cannot create or undelete users, or make users administrators. These requests are ignored by the API service. Roles and privileges for administrators are assigned using the Admin console.
    • Included in Global Address List? (boolean): indicator if the user’s profile is visible in the G Suite global address list when the contact sharing feature is enabled for the domain. For more information about excluding user profiles, see the administration help center.
    • Password: password for the user account (password requirements: minimum 8 charatcers, maximum 100 characters, may contain any combination of ASCII characters). Storing the user’s password is optional when updating a user and should only be provided if the user is updating their account password. We recommend sending the password property value as a base 16 bit, hexidecimal-encoded hash value. If a hashFunction is specified, the password must be a valid hash key. The password value is never returned in the API’s response body.
    • Change Password At Next Login? (boolean): indicator if the user is forced to change their password at next login (does not apply when SSO is configured with a third party identity provider)
    • IP Whitelisted? (boolean): indicator if the user’s IP address is white listed
    • Alias: user’s alias email address