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  • New or Updated File

    Start a FLO when a file is created or updated


  • Create Directory

    Create a new directory at a given path. Without a beginning forward slash, the directory will be created in the user’s home directory. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. For example:

    • newFolder -> Create a directory called “newFolder” in your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/newFolder -> Create a new directory called “newFolder” in your home directory, inputting the absolute path
    • /differentPath/newFolder -> Create a new directory somewhere other than your home directory, using an absolute path
    • existingFolder/newFolder -> Create a new folder inside of an existing folder inside of your home directory. When creating a new folder in nested subfolders, these folders must already exist for the operation to complete successfully.


    • Directory Path (text) - The path at which to create the new directory
  • Delete Directory

    Delete a directory at a given path. Without a beginning forward slash, the path will default to the user’s home directory. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. The operation will only be successful if the target directory is empty. Examples:

    • emptyFolder -> Delete a directory called “emptyFolder” in your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/emptyFolder -> Delete a directory called “emptyFolder” in your home directory, inputting the absolute path
    • /differentPath/emptyFolder -> Delete a directory called “emptyFolder” somewhere other than your home directory, using an absolute path
    • someFolder/emptyFolder -> Delete a folder called “emptyFolder” inside of an existing folder in your home directory.


    • Directory Path - The path to the directory that you want to delete
  • Delete File

    Delete a file at a given path. Without a beginning forward slash, the path will default to the user’s home directory. Examples:

    • myFile.jpg -> Delete a file called “myFile.jpg” in your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/myFile.jpg -> Delete a file called “myFile.jpg” in your home directory, inputting the absolute path
    • /differentPath/myFile.jpg -> Delete a file called “myFile.jpg” somewhere other than your home directory, using an absolute path
    • someFolder/myFile.jpg -> Delete a file called “myFile.jpg” inside of an existing folder in your home directory.


    • File Path - The path to the file that you want to delete, including the filename
  • Download File

    Download a file from an FTP destination to the filesystem.  The File Path input defines the folder and filename within the FTP destination, separated by a “/” character, according to normal FTP conventions.  Without a beginning forward slash, the path will reference the user’s home directory. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. Examples:

    • myfile.jpg -> download the file”myfile.jpg” from the user’s home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/myfile.jpg -> same as above, using an absolute path
    • myfolder/myfile.jpg -> download the file “myfile.jpg” from the folder “myfolder”
    • myfolder/subfolder/adeeperfolder/myfile.jpg -> download a file from nested subfolders


    • File Path - the path, including folder and filename, of the file to download


    • File Content - the content of the downloaded file
    • Filename - the filename of the downloaded file
    • Size - the size, in bytes, of the downloaded file
  • Read Directory

    Read a directory at a given path. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. When left empty, the path defaults to “/”. Examples:

    • myFolder -> Read a directory called “myFolder” in your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory -> Read the contents of your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/myFolder ->Read a directory called “myFolder” in your home directory, this time using the absolute path
    • someFolder/myFolder -> Read the contents of an existing folder in your home directory that is nested in an existing folder.


    • Directory Path - The path to the directory that you want to read.


    • Directory
      • Items
        • Name (text) - The name of the file or directory
        • Path (text) - The absolute path of the file or directory
        • File Size (number) - The file size in bytes
        • Last Modified (text) - The last modified date
        • Owner (number)  - The owner of the file or directory
        • Group (number) - The group of the file or directory
        • Permissions (object) - Permissions for the file or directory
  • Read System Info

    Read system information

  • Upload File

    Upload a file to an FTP destination. The Destination File Path defines the folder and filename within the FTP destination, separated by a “/” character, according to normal FTP conventions. Without a beginning forward slash, the path will reference the user’s home directory. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. Examples:

    • myfile.jpg -> upload the file to the root of the FTP destination site, storing it as “myfile.jpg”
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/myfile.jpg -> same as above, using an absolute path
    • myfolder/myfile.jpg -> save the file as “myfile.jpg” inside the folder “myfolder”
    • myfolder/subfolder/adeeperfolder/myfile.jpg -> store the file under multiple subfolders (these folders must already exist)


    • File Content - the File ID of the file to upload
    • Destination File Path - the path, including folder and filename, at which to store the file


    • Succeeded - a boolean value that indicates success if true
  • Write File

    Write a text file to a given path. This action writes plain text to a file, but cannot be used to create file types that contain anything other than plain text, such as .docx. Without a beginning forward slash, the file will be created in the user’s home directory. When using a forward slash at the beginning of a path, the path must be absolute. For example:

    • newTextFile.txt -> Create a file called “newTextFile.txt” in your home directory
    • /pathToHomeDirectory/newTextFile.txt -> Create a new file called “newTextFile.txt” in your home directory, inputting the absolute path
    • /differentPath/newTextFile.txt -> Create a new file somewhere other than your home directory, using an absolute path
    • existingFolder/newTextFile.txt -> Create a new file inside of an existing folder inside of your home directory. When creating a new file in nested subfolders, these folders must already exist for the operation to complete successfully.


    • Text Content (text) - The text content that you want to write to a file
    • Destination File Path (text) - The path at which to create the new file, including the filename