Creates a list of expense report IDs created in a certain time frame in Expensify.

Input Fields

  • Created After (text): Filters out all reports submitted or created after the given date, whichever occurred last (inclusive). YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Created Before (text): Filters out all reports submitted or created before the given date, whichever occurred last (inclusive). YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Approved After (text): Filters out all reports approved before, or on that date. This filter is only used against reports that have been approved.
  • Status (text): The status of the report (Example: “Open”, “Processing”, “Approved”, “Reimbursed”, or “Archived”)
  • Limit (text): Numbers accepted.
  • Employee Email (text): Must be a valid email address.

Output Fields

  • Report IDs (list of text): A list of the report IDs found.