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  • Attach Network

    Attach a container to a network

  • Create Container

    Create a container using the Docker remote API

  • Create Image

    Pull an image using the Docker remote API

  • Create Network

    Create a network using the Docker remote API

  • Create Service

    Create a service using the Docker remote API

  • Create Volume

    Create a volume using the Docker remote API

  • Delete Container

    Delete a container using the Docker remote API

  • Delete Image

    Delete an image using the Docker remote API

  • Delete Network

    Delete a network using the Docker remote API

  • Delete Volume

    Delete a volume using the Docker remote API

  • Disconnect Network

    Disconnect a container from a network

  • Exec Container Command

    Execute a command in a running container using the Docker remote API

  • Get Container Stats

    Get stats for a container using the Docker remote API

  • Initialize New Swarm

    Initialize a new swarm using the Docker remote API

  • Inspect Container

    Read container metadata using the Docker remote API

  • Inspect Image

    Read image metadata using the Docker remote API

  • Inspect Node

    Inspect a node using the Docker remote API

  • Inspect Service

    Inspect a service with the Docker remote API

  • Inspect Volume

    Read volume metadata using the Docker remote API

  • Leave Swarm

    Leave a swarm using the Docker remote API

  • List Container Processes

    List processes running inside a container using the Docker remote API

  • List Containers

    List containers using the Docker remote API

  • List Images

    List images using the Docker remote API

  • List Node Tasks

    List node tasks using the Docker remote API

  • List Nodes

    List all nodes using the Docker remote API

  • List Service Tasks

    List service tasks using the Docker remote API

  • List Services

    List all services with the Docker remote API

  • List Volumes

    List volumes using the Docker remote API

  • Prune Containers

    Delete stopped containers using the Docker remote API

  • Prune Volumes

    Delete unused volumes using the Docker remote API

  • Scale Service

    Scale an existing service

  • Start Container

    Start a container using the Docker remote API

  • Stop Container

    Stop a container using the Docker remote API

  • Tail Container Logs

    Tail stdout stderr logs for a container using the Docker remote API