Create a Meeting Request in Cvent. This creates a MeetingRequest object under Cross Events. Creating a meeting request requires a meeting request form.
- FormId (text): Enter a Form ID that is associated with the type of meeting request that you would like to submit. This Form ID must be manually extracted from Cvent. Form ID can be found by:
- Clicking the Admin button at the top of the Cvent page.
- Click Account Settings
- Click Meetings Management
- Choose and click the meeting request form of which you would like its ID.
- The Form ID is located in the URL. It is the formstub attribute. Copy the value in between ‘&formstub=’ and ‘&formtype’. This will look like: ‘7a2192d7-ce3f-4d5f-9cd3-6abcd63b2006’.
- Paste this in the FormId Options parameter.
Inputs are dependent on the meeting request form being used to create the meeting request. All inputs are determined by adding individual inputs to the form to accept upon creation. To add these fields, go to the meeting request form (as instructed above - steps 1 through 4), click on the Form Questions tab and click Insert New Field. From here, choose which fields you would like to accept as input for the given meeting request form. Currently, this card will list all of the Create Meeting Request inputs - however it is important to note that only the fields that the meeting request form explicitly lists will be processed - i.e. if a form doesn’t have RequesterCity added to it, and a user tries to pass data into the input, the request will be treated as if there was no RequesterCity field at all.
- MeetingRequest
- RequestName (text): Name of the request. Note: Required field.
- RequestStatus (text): Status of the meeting request. Defaults to ‘Created’. Must manually add types of Request Statuses to your meeting request form.
- RequesterId (text): Id of the requester. Do not use this, usually auto generated.
- RequesterFirstName (text): Requester’s first name.
- RequesterLastName (text): Requester’s last name.
- RequesterEmailAddress (text): Requester’s email address.
- RequesterTitle (text): Requester’s title.
- RequesterCompany (text): Requester’s company.
- RequesterWorkPhone (text): Requester’s work phone number.
- RequesterHomePhone (text): Requester’s home phone.
- RequesterWorkFax (text): Requester’s work fax.
- RequesterMobilePhone (text): Requester’s mobile phone number.
- RequesterAddress1 (text): Requester’s address.
- RequesterAddress2 (text): Requester’s second address.
- RequesterAddress3 (text): Requester’s third address.
- RequesterCity (text): Requester’s city.
- RequesterState (text): Requester’s state.
- RequesterStateCode (text): Requester’s state code.
- RequesterPostalCode (text): Requester’s postal code.
- RequesterCountry (text): Requester’s country.
- RequesterCountryCode (text): Requester’s country code.
- EventRequestInfo
- EventTitle (text): Title of the event. Note: required field.
- EventCategory (text): Category of the event.
- EventDescription (text): Description of the event.
- EventInternalNote (text): Internal note of the event.
- EventLocation (text): Location of the event.
- EventAddress1 (text): Address of the event.
- EventAddress2 (text): Second address of the event.
- EventAddress3 (text): Third address of the event.
- EventCity (text): Event’s city.
- EventState (text): Event’s state.
- EventStateCode (text): Event’s state code.
- EventPostalCode (text): Event’s postal code.
- EventCountry (text): Event’s country.
- EventCountryCode (text): Event’s country code.
- EventPhone (text): Event’s phone number.
- StakeholderFirstName (text): Stakeholder’s first name.
- StakeholderLastName (text): Stakeholder’s last name.
- StakeholderEmailAddress (text): Stakeholder’s email address.
- StakeholderTitle (text): Stakeholder’s title.
- StakeholderCompany (text): Stakeholder’s company.
- StakeholderWorkPhone (text): Stakeholder’s work phone number.
- StakeholderHomePhone (text): Stakeholder’s home phone number.
- StakeholderWorkFax (text): Stakeholder’s work fax.
- StakeholderMobilePhone (text): Stakeholder’s cell number.
- StakeholderAddress1 (text): Stakeholder’s address.
- StakeholderAddress2 (text): Stakeholder’s second address.
- StakeholderAddress3 (text): Stakeholder’s third address.
- StakeholderCity (text): Stakeholder’s city.
- StakeholderState (text): Stakeholder’s state.
- StakeholderStateCode (text): Stakeholder’s state code.
- StakeholderPostalCode (text): Stakeholder’s postal code.
- StakeholderCountry (text): Stakeholder’s country.
- StakeholderCountryCode (text): Stakeholder’s country code.
- RFPRequestInfo
- AlternateStartDate1 (text): An alternate event start date.
- AlternateEndDate1 (text): An alternate event end date.
- AlternateDate1Note (text): A note for the first alternate date.
- AlternateStartDate2 (text): A second alternate event start date.
- AlternateEndDate2 (text): A second alternate event end date.
- AlternateDate2Note (text): A note for the second alternate date.
- TotalMeetingSpace (text): Total space needed for event (in number of people).
- LargestMeetingRoom (text): Size or name of largest meeting room.
- BusinessObjectives (text): A string detailing the objectives of the meeting.
- BudgetedRoomRate (text): Nightly rate of budgeted room.
- DestinationUnderConsideration (text): Name of the location that is being considered.
- SleepRoomAdditionalInfo (text): Additional info about sleep room.
- MeetingRoomAdditionalInfo (text): Additional info about the meeting room.
- ConcessionAndContractual (text): Additional info about concession and contractual.
- DecisionDate (text): The date a decision must be made by.
- ResponseDueDate (text): Response is due by this date.
- AVNeeds (text): AV needs.
Output Fields
- Meeting
- ID (text): Unique ID of the meeting request object.