Start Flow when a new line item is added to a budget.
Budget (Dropdown List) Choose the budget you want to watch for a new line being added with this card. The options will be dynamically generated according to budgets you have.
Output Fields
Line Item
- Line Item ID (text) : The unique identifier code for the newly added line item. where to find line item ID
- Line Item Name (text) : The line item’s name.
- Budget ID (text) : The unique identifier code for the budget that the line item’s belongs to. Where to find the Budget ID
- Type (text) :
- Line item : A regular line item.
- Category : A line item that act as a folder or directory.
- Placeholder: A less detailed line item.
- Created At (text) : The timestamp for when was the line item was created.
- Updated At (text) : The lastest timestamp for when was the line item was updated.
- Parent ID (text) : The unique indentifier code for the line item parent.