Read agreement using the agreement ID.
- Read By
- Agreement ID :The unique identifier of the agreement, which can be used to query status and download signed documents.
- Agreement ID : The unique identifier of the agreement, which can be used to query status and download signed documents.
- Name (text) : The name of the agreement that will be used to identify it, in emails and on the website.
- Status (text) : The current status of the agreement.
- Signature Type (text) : Specifies the type of signature requested on the agreement—written or e-signature.
- Created At (text) : Agreement creation date.
- Recipients (list of object)
- Email (text) : The recipient email.
- Status (text) : The status of the recipient document.
- Description (text) : The description of the email.
- Date Sent (text) : The date the email was sent.