Creates template using document ID. A document template is a reusable document that can be shared with other users in your account, allowing multiple users to send out the same document without needing to make any changes.


  • Template
    • Document ID (text) : The unique identifier number of the document.
    • Name (text) : The name of the template that will be used to identify it, in emails and on the website.
    • Sharing Mode (dropdown) : The permission group for sharing.
      • User
      • Group
      • Account
    • Type (dropdown)
      • Document : A document template is a reusable document that can be shared with other users in your account, allowing multiple users to send out the same document without needing to make any changes.
      • Form Field : A form field template is a reusable field layer that can be applied to any document. Form field templates can also be shared with other users in your account.


  • Template ID (text) : The unique identifier that is used to refer to the library template.