Formats a date into the format specified by an input object and input timezone. Returns an object.
Input Fields
- format: The format that you would like to parse the string into. Takes format in the following ways:
- YYYY (4 or 2 digit year, 2016)
- YY (2 digit year, 16)
- Y (Year with any number of digits and sign, -25)
- Q (Quarter of year, 1 … 4)
- M or MM (Month number, 1 … 12)
- MMM (Shortened month name, Jan)
- MMMM (Full month name, January)
- D or DD (Day of month, 25)
- Do (Day of month with ordinal, 25th)
- DDD or DDDD (Day of year, 1 … 365)
- X (Unix timestamp)
- x (Unix ms timestamp)
- w or ww (Week of the year)
- e (Day of the week)
- ddd (Shortened day name, Mon)
- dddd (Full day name, Monday)
- H or HH (24 hour time)
- h or hh (12 hour time)
- a or A (Am or pm)
- m or mm (Minutes)
- s or ss (Seconds)
- S or SS (fractional seconds)
- Z or ZZ (Offset from UTC, +12:00)
- start: The date you would like to parse into an object
- zone: The timezone you would like to format your date into. Uses the “time zone identifier” format. For example, “America/Los_Angeles”.
Output Fields
- day: The day of the month.
- full: The given date, fully represented. Ex- October 6th, 2016 XX:XX:X.XXX
- hour: The given hour.
- millisecond: The given number of milliseconds.
- minute: The minute of the given date object
- month: The month.
- second: The given second (with milliseconds truncated)
- time: The given time, like HH:MM:s.SS
- year: The given year
Returns the current time.
Input Fields
- *Empty*: There are no inputs for this module.
Output Fields
- date: The current date.
- day: The current day of the month.
- full: The current date, fully represented. Ex- October 6th, 2016 XX:XX:X.XXX
- hour: The current hour.
- iso: The current date in ISO format.
- millisecond: The current number of milliseconds.
- minute: The current minute.
- month: The current month.
- second: The current second (with milliseconds truncated)
- time: The current time, like HH:MM:s.SS
- year: The current year.
Formats a date into the format specified by an input string and input timezone.
Input Fields
- format: The format that you would like to parse the string into. Takes format in the following ways:
- YYYY (4 or 2 digit year, 2016)
- YY (2 digit year, 16)
- Y (Year with any number of digits and sign, -25)
- Q (Quarter of year, 1 … 4)
- M or MM (Month number, 1 … 12)
- MMM (Shortened month name, Jan)
- MMMM (Full month name, January)
- D or DD (Day of month, 25)
- Do (Day of month with ordinal, 25th)
- DDD or DDDD (Day of year, 1 … 365)
- X (Unix timestamp)
- x (Unix ms timestamp)
- w or ww (Week of the year)
- e (Day of the week)
- ddd (Shortened day name, Mon)
- dddd (Full day name, Monday)
- H or HH (24 hour time)
- h or hh (12 hour time)
- a or A (Am or pm)
- m or mm (Minutes)
- s or ss (Seconds)
- S or SS (fractional seconds)
- Z or ZZ (Offset from UTC, +12:00)
- start: The date you would like to parse into a string
- zone: The timezone you would like to format your date into. Uses the “time zone identifier” format. For example, “America/Los_Angeles”.
Output Fields
- output: The newly formatted string of the given date.