Flow Notes

To add a new Flow Note, click on the plus button (+) between any cards and click the Note button.

There are several uses for notes in a Flow, such as:

  • Documenting how a Flow works – to explain to others or for yourself to remember later
  • Placeholders for work you intend to do later
  • Test values you can use for testing and debugging the Flow (e.g. valid product codes)

In addition to typing plain text into a note, you can use common markdown to get rich formatting, such as:

Type this: To get this:
*test* test
**test** test
 [Disneyland](http://disneyland.com)  Disneyland

For a complete list of common markdown options, see: http://commonmark.org/help

If you want to type an actual asterisk rather than create a bullet or signal for bold or italics, precede the asterisk with a backslash like this:  *

Here is a full list of special characters used for markdown that you can precede with a backslash to get the character itself to appear instead of formatting:

\  backslash
`  backtick
*  asterisk
_  underscore
greater than
{}  curly braces
[]  square brackets
()  parentheses
#  hash mark
+  plus sign
-  minus (hyphen)
.  dot
!  exclamation mark