OAuth configs

To dynamically create an OAuth config, you’ll need to do two things:

  •  Get an App ID for the user in your app organization you’d like to tie these configurations to
  • Create a link that will be tied to a button (or something to that effect) that will trigger the OAuth window

To get the App ID, you’ll either need to use an octopus card to edit your user’s “app_token” field to be some value of your choice, or get Austin to do it.

To create the link, fill this URL in with the appropriate values:




All other configs

You can use either the API or the client to perform this action. There are three fields to pass along:

  1. the name of the connector (channel_name)
  2. the name of the config (name)
  3. the object representing the config (config).

These are all passed in the body. The route for this is /v2/account, and your POST the information to it.


azuqua.createAccount( { ‘channel_name’: ‘nasaconnector1’, ‘name’: ‘My KEEEEYYYY’, ‘config’: { “key” : “DEMO_KEY” } } )