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  • All False?

    Return true if all inputs are false; otherwise false. (Also known as the Boolean operator NOR.)

    Input Fields

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value
    • ‘click or drop here to create’: additional input fields that can be added

    Output Fields

    • all false?: a true or false value
      • true: if all inputs are false
      • false: if any input is true
  • And

    Returns true if all inputs are true, otherwise returns false.

    Input Fields

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value
    • ‘click or drop here to create’: additional input fields can be added if you want to check more than 2 values

    Output Fields

    • all true?: a true or false value
      • true: if all input fields are true
      • false: if at least one input is false
  • Any False?

    Return true if any of the inputs are false; otherwise return false (also known as NAND).

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value
    • ‘click or drop here to create’: additional true/false input fields that can be added to check additional values

    Output Fields

    • any false?: a true or false value
      • true: if at least one input field is false
      • false: if all inputs are true
  • Compare

    Run a simple true or false test. For instance, you might check to see if a Type field is equal to “Customer” or if a Price field is greater than 1000.

    Input Fields

    • value a: the value to be compared
    • comparison: what comparison to make (see table below)
    • value b: the value to compare against

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to set the type of value a and value b to reflect how you would like the comparison to be done. For instance, the operator “greater than” compares numbers based on numeric value but text based on alphabetical sort order. So the number comparison 80 > 9 is true, but the text comparison “80” > “9” is false.

    Output Fields

    • result: the result of the conditional statement, either true or false
    Table of Relational Operators
    Operator Use Case
    equal to Compare two texts, numbers, dates or true/false to see if they have the same value
    not equal to Compare two texts, numbers, dates or true/false to see if they have different values
    greater than or equal Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has the same or greater value than the second.
    less than or equal Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has the same or lesser value than the second.
    greater than Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has a greater value than the second.
    less than Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has a lesser value than the second.
    a multiple of Compare two numbers to see if value a is an exact multiple of value b. (e.g. 12, 0 and -4 are all multiples of 4, but 2, 3 and 7 are not.)
    in Compare two texts to see if value a is a part of value b. (e.g. “test” is in “this is a test”, but there is no “i” in “team”)
    not in Compare two texts to see if value a is not part of value b.
    has key When value a is an object and value b is text, tests to see if the object has a key with the specified name. (e.g. true if value a is {“test”:123} and value b is “test”)
    doesn’t have key When value a is an object and value b is text, tests to see if the object does not have a key with the specified name.
    is empty Checks to see if value a is empty; ignores value b. What defines “empty” varies by type. Note: Only works for Text and Object. (Numbers, Dates, T/F, are viewed as empty).
    is not empty Checks to see if value a is not empty. Note: Only works for Text and Object. (Numbers, Dates, T/F, are viewed as empty).
  • Expression

    Build a True or False expression by combining operators and values that you type with fields that you drag and drop in. Place fields anywhere in the expression where there can be a value. At runtime, the expression is evaluated using the values of the fields to generate a single _output_ of true or false. (When using non-True/False inputs, number fields evaluate to false when 0; otherwise true. Text fields evaluate to false when null or “false”; otherwise true. Date fields convert to a timestamp that will work in comparisons.)

    NOTE: Text comparisons are currently not supported inside a True/False Expression. We are working on fixing this, but for now use Compare to do text comparisons.**

    Logical operators you can use are:

    and - true only if all conditions are true or - true if any condition is true not - true if false; false if true xor - true if only one condition is true

    Use parentheses to group operations so they calculate together first

    Comparison operators you can use include: == (equal), != (not equal), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal), < (less than), <= (less than or equal)

    #  allows you to add a comment to your expression (anything you type after the # is ignored when the expression is evaluated)

    You can also use math operators as part of your expressions. See Formula for details on the math operators and functions.

    You can combine multiple operations, such as:

    true and (true or false) and (4>pi)

    Fields from earlier in your Flow can be used in place of any of the values in the expression.

    Input Fields

    The function has one large input area that accepts a combination of values and operators that you type with number fields that you drag/drop in.

    Output Fields

    output - the true or false result from evaluating the expression using the values of the fields at runtime.

  • Not

    Takes a true or false input and returns the opposite value.

    Input Fields

    • input field: a true/false value

    Output Fields

    • result: the opposite value of the input
      • true if the input has a value of false
      • false if the input has a value of true
  • Or

    Return true if any inputs are true, otherwise false.

    Input Fields

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value
    • ‘click or drop here to create’: additional input fields that can be added

    Output Fields

    • any true?: a true or false value
      • true: if any input is true
      • false: if all inputs are false
  • Or (Exclusive)

    The Exclusive Or true/false operator (also known as XOR) returns true if one, and only one, input is true; otherwise returns false.

    Input Fields

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value

    Output Fields

    • only one true?: a true/false value
      • true: if one input field is true and the other is false
      • false: if both inputs are true or both inputs are false
  • XNOR

    A True/False operator that returns true if both inputs are true or both inputs are false; otherwise returns false. It is the opposite of the Exclusive Or (or XOR) operation.

    Input Fields

    • input 1: the first true/false value
    • input 2: the second true/false value

    Output Fields

    • output: a true/false value
      • true:  if both inputs are true or both inputs are false
      • false: if one input field is true and the other is false